Friday, January 25, 2008

Jazzy Celebration

I did a wildart piece on the Martin Luther King Coffee House Jazz Show held in the student union. Since news wasn't running anything on the back page, I got three huge color photos of the event. Shooting was easy enough as there wasn't a lot of movement in the dark space. The lighting wasn't great but I made away with some nice shots. All three of these were published. The band that played was made up of three incredible musicians and three great singers who even did a jazz version of John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change"

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The mens basketball was my first attempt shooting sports. I was court side for the game against Baylor (who is surprisingly good this year). The Huskers lost 72-70 going 0-3 the last three games. This used to be a team that beat 16th ranked Oregon at the Quest Center in Omaha. I hope the team isn't showing their true colors now. The two photos that were published appear first.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

FLASHBACK: Japan Night

Shooting Japan Night was an all around fun time (Even though I was there for the better part of three hours). Since most of the acts involved dancing or other fast movement and dark lighting, it was somewhat of a challenge. The first photo is the one that was published.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Don't Be An Idiot

This is a photo ill. I did for a story about the Bill proposed to ban the use of cell phones by teenage drivers in Nebraska. If you ask me, you should ban it for everyone like my home state did. Pat helped me out by letting me shoot in his truck. Also, those are his arms and phone. This is the second time I have used Pat's truck as one of my subjects and I don't doubt I will another time.
I really wanted to capture the light but a lot of my shots came out blurry. This one was shot with an f-4.5 at 800.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First Photo of the Year, 2008

I went into the Rec Center for a wildart piece, not expecting much. I got some shots of people working out and the outcome surprised me. The one that was published appears first.