Monday, May 19, 2008


Central Park

Franklin Court (PA)

One Liberty Plaza (Dad's old building)
I've been in New York a lot over the past week. I took friends there to sightsee and stopped by a few days ago en route to the Hamptons for a charity event. Job starts on Tuesday while classes start next week. Lame.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New York Stories

Grand Central StationSt. Patrick's Cathedral
Times Square
Fifth & Broadway from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Finals Downpour

After watching "American Idol" with friends, I got back to my room to study for finals. After an hour of that, I heard screaming from the courtyard below. The sky opened up and the thunderstorm the weather channel said we'd get came. It didn't stop the kids from playing basketball, catch and of course, mud slip n' sliding. I really wanted something cool to test out my new Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens, so this was perfect.

Back to studying. Econ is going to kill me.

Ace of Base(ball)

No more shooting for the DN until next year! What will I do with my time?